Be safe at all times.
Be respectful of the rights, physical space, and dignity of all individuals at camp.
Use only appropriate language and appropriate touch.
Listen to your counselors at all times. Your counselor’s top priority is to keep you safe!
Always tell your counselors where you are going.
Tell your counselors right away if you are upset about something or if you need help. They are here for you!
Be patient, tolerant, and include others.
Treat others with kindness, just as you would like to be treated.
Leave all electronics at home. This includes cell phones and smartwatches.
Be willing to try new things and give every activity your best effort.
Always wear shoes when outside.
Hands up, voices off.
Have FUN!
Camper Behavior Expectations
Families are asked to review the following Camper Behavior Expectations with their child(ren) and ensure they understand the importance of these guidelines before their session. This process helps prepare every camper to contribute to a safe, respectful, and positive camp environment.